
Blogs in English language about wines from the Balkans: Serbia, Croatia, …
I hope it will be more of these soon
If anyone knows for blogs  that write about these issues, please send a link to  serbianwineguide@gmail.com 

Vinopedia   a large amount of data about Serbian wines

Wines of Balkan,   concise, very good description of the wider wine region

Serbian wine experience,  new

Uncorking Croatia,   the best site about Croatian wines in English

Wine Time Experience,   small but informative  and very charming

Vinske Ceste

Grape Nomad

Total Croatia Vine



Blogs about wine (in English) that we follow. Each has a different concept but all are very interesting, and useful for wine lovers and bloggers booth :
Benito blog spot

Dame Wine

Exotic Wine Travel

Man from Mosell river

Schiller Wine

Rebenblutl blog

Academic Wino

Washington wine blog

Wine Anorak

Artisan Swiss
Richard Hemming MW



… to be continued

Wine blogs about Serbian and Croatian wines in local languages :), all  very interesting :
Zapisi jednog Merloa

Wine Jour

Vino Srbija


Svet vina

Somelier Sremski

Rakija uglavnom

Vino, Pivo, Rakija

Dnevnik vinopije



Vinske price

G.E.T. Report

… to be continued