Posip Jokic winery

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On July 27, 2017
Last modified:August 2, 2020


Posip Jokic wineryLight golden yellow color, the smell of oranges and dry flowers
In the mouth full body , taste like orange, fig and little almond, pretty dry, with a lot of well balanced acid.
Easy-drinking wine with personality. And full organic



Name : Jokic Posip 2013
Producer: Vinarija Jokic https://www.facebook.com/vinarijajokic
Region :Nothern Dalmatia, Croatia
Style: Dry, 14 % alcohole, inox
Remark :organic certificates
Price : 10-12 eur






*****Posip is indigenous grape variety from the south Dalmatian islands (place of orgin is Korcula island) . The grapes are famous for their sweetness and pleasant acid Winemakers like to say that it gives the wines of all styles., ligh and fresh or other with great barell potential.  Croatian most famous white wine produced from this grape *****
Posip Croatian Grape