Author Archive: Veta

Shesh i Zi (Black Shesh)

Shesh i Zi

Rubin color with little violet nuance, the low scent of blackberries and cherries Medium body, mach mach fruit in the mouth, good balanced, (12% alcohol), insensibly tannins, and some acidity at finish. Tasty and easy to drink. Typical Mediterranean wine…
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cerpromet doo

Nothing special to say, only “a small wine shop on the way to home”. Except that “small” is not exactly correct :), in this old building on Boulevard King Aleksandar no 131 street, Is located wine shop with a huge…
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124. Merlot Sijacki 2012 – Sijacki winery

A dark ruby color with a brown shade on the edge. The smell of sweet cherries, plum and blackberry. Medium body. In the mouth a black cherries, raspberry and the gentle black chocolate in the background.Mature tannins and noticeable fruit…
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123. Fortuna 2015 – Podrum Probus winery

Fortuna 2015 - Podrum Probus winery

Deep dark red color(almost black) with a slight deep purple shade on the glass border. The smell of dark cherries and blackberry and cherry jam at background.The body is full,in the mouth velvety, mild tannins,  acid and alcohol well-balanced ….
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