Vinska Ilegala 3.1 or Wine guerilla goes underground

Vinska ilegala 4.0


As I have a written somewhere : When “Ilegala” called all come 🙂 “. These people know what is good wine and what is a good rave.
This time their events are held in the basement of a cafe LEILA RECORDS in the center of  the Belgrade.
(otherwise, the space is designed for listening to music from old records, they have a huge music “vinyl” library)
Absolutely nice place, (maybe too small for so many visitors) but with lots of good wine and  lots of positive people all was great.
Highlights: the amazing Shiraz of Stojanovic winery, red blend Bela kap 2015 from Zivkovic winery, new Cabernet Franc from Pusula winery and Chichateau winery with their extraordinary wines.
The eagerly waiting for the next Ilegala 5.0 events.

Vinska ilegala = Wine guerilla , Association of wine and wine raves lovers from Belgrade