98. Doja Rose 2015 – Doja winery

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On August 18, 2017
Last modified:August 7, 2017


Doja RoseColor deep red salmon with orange shadow. Smell : raspberry and strawberries. When opened dry herbs appears in the glass. The body is medium. In the mouth is pretty strong (but not sharp), raspberry and red currants, and some spices in the background. Noticeable fruity acids , but well integrated , little bit oh tannins and the good balanced alcohol . The mid-length finish , a pleasant fruit sweet-tartness taste, very fresh.


Well this is a real Prokupac, without cheating Little wilderness packed with lots of fruitiness. The result is very drinkable wine, which can fit with any kind of food, or you can drink it for refreshment after a hard day .
It wants to be cold. I ‘ve heard that the previous vintage was a semi-sweet variant. I would like to try it.



Name : Doja Rose 2015
Style : dry rose wine., 12.5 % alc.,
Grape: Prokupacr 100%
Producer: Doja winery , http://www.doja.rs/
Area: Blace , Toplica area, Central Serbia
Price: 6-7 eur/ bottle 0.75l



Matching with :

The Redbreast Jo NesboThe Redbreast  (Jo Nesbo)

Strong, tasty, sweet-tartness. without cheating.
Do not let it from your hands until you read it :).