Shops & Bars

Places where we buy wines and places where we like to eat. (mostly Belgrade and its surroundings).

“Zlata ” pastry and cake shop

"Zlata " pastry and cake shop Belgrade Serbia

So this has nothing to do with wine, but deserves to be noticed, because this pastry shop left deep traces in the Belgradian history of hedonism. Also, this is one of the small number of pastry shops from the last…
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cerpromet doo

Nothing special to say, only “a small wine shop on the way to home”. Except that “small” is not exactly correct :), in this old building on Boulevard King Aleksandar no 131 street, Is located wine shop with a huge…
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Papa Joe restaurant – Belgrade

When diligent and skilled people take the matter in their hands the result must be good. This is in the shortest possible explanation why this restaurant has become very popular for only a few years, and a place which is…
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Nova Tiha noc restaurant

Nova Tiha noc restaurant

The tavern “Tiha noc” (Silent night) has an interesting history, first owner rented the old workers’ barracks that it sells pork and sheep roast to the workers from nearby factories and large city hospitals. This placeĀ  quickly became a cult…
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Riznica vina – wine bar and wine shop

Riznica vina- Belgrade wine bar and shop

“Riznica vina” (Treasury of wine) was from the beginning “IN ” place, and today it is iconic and widely known place inĀ  the Belgrade wine world . A large space shared by wine store and wine bar, coincidence lower floor…
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