Tag Archive: Serbian vineyards

Winegorving areas Central Serbia region

Winegroving regia Central Serbia

Vineyard region of Central Serbia, new divide, define of summer  2015 , 13 areas and 57 subareas.   1.1. Cer-Valjevo area 100 ha 1.1.1.Pocerina subarea 1.1.2. Podgorina subarea 1.1.3. Kolubara-Ljig subarea 1.2. Negotinska krajina area 890 ha 1.2.1 Kljuc subarea…
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Wine-growing regions of The Republic of Serbia

Since 2015 the Republic of Serbia is divided into three main wine-growing regions : Cental Serbia, Vojvodina and Kosovo*. The State census of agriculture 2012 it showed the following results : In Central Serbia, there are about 13 500 hectares…
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